
About Rahul Yadav // THE Digital Marketing Consultant

Hi, My name is Rahul Yadav, and I am the owner and Founder of this website.
I am 24 years old, New Delhi (India) blogger.

My Mission behind making this blog is

  • To find the hidden potential in you to become a top blogger.
  • To help the newbies who are struggling to start their first blog.
  • To help you make your blog a better blog and make money from it.
  • To motivate you by interviewing top bloggers.

My Early Life

I am from a small town called Rewari in Haryana, India. I did my study till 12th grade in my city itself.

Where am I standing today?

Now Blogging Ideas is a well-known blog in blogging world and I am putting more efforts to make it world-class blog. This blog has given me a lot of online exposure and many people in blogosphere know me just because of this blog.

I am continuously making $500 per month with my blogs and putting my best to touch next level. Recently I made $1500 a month in Dec 2017 and Feb. 2018 continuously.

Mail – [email protected]

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