
Medical Marketing Agency Services & Healthcare Website Developers

Rahul Digital is a team of healthcare marketing enthusiasts that utilize a proprietary fully-integrated online and offline healthcare marketing platform used to create professional, informative and engaging brand presence that positions our clients as industry leaders in their respective markets.
We work with physicians, medical practices, surgery centers and hospitals all over the world, with clients right here in our hometown, and as far away as UAS. Our success is measured by the number of new patients we can connect with the right physician, at the right time and place.
By targeting the right patients and providing them with the information they need most in the later stages of the decision-making process, patients are able to make more confident healthcare decisions. This process improves the quality of the patient leads that are making contact – increasing patient counts for your organization.

Healthcare Marketing and Advertising for Doctors and Hospitals

Optimized Marketing Expertise For Services In The Medical Industry

  • We drive traffic through Search Engine Optimization
  • We help your site convert traffic through Conversion Optimization

Building Healthy Brands And Patient Connections

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization, or ‘SEO’, is the single most important ingredient in ensuring that your business is found on the internet. As necessary as it is to have a well designed, functional and informative web-site to capture your audience’s attention, without that audience your web-site is the equivalent of a Picasso sitting in a closet.
SEO is the process of increasing the ranking and traffic of one’s web-site through organic searches. Organic searches are “natural” meaning they are not sponsored links or paid for advertisement such as pay-per-click or ad words. It is imperative to have your web-site highly ranked in order to get the exposure necessary to bring traffic to your site. Statistics show that nearly 80% of all internet users follow the organic listings over the paid for listings.

  • We will boost relevant traffic to your company’s website through search engine searches and social media networks.
  • Our team strive to get your company on the map by formatting your website to the preference of major search engines.
  • To increase your visibility on popular search engines, we will develop a targeted exposure of your business on important and trusted domains.

Website Design

They say, “a picture is worth a thousand words” and “you never get a second chance to make a first impressions”. These are just a few of the reasons that a professional, well designed web-site is so important. It is imperative to have the design, architecture and content of your site built structurally sound.
Our team creates customized, innovative websites that will both attract and maintain the attention of your customers. Quality web design demands more than an eye-catching design to be effective; it requires functionality and speed to match. We have the creative expertise needed to suitably balance appealing design and ease of use giving your healthcare profession a website that not only looks great, but works great as well. Furthermore, we allow you the freedom to provide input throughout the entire process. We will walk you through each step and seek out continual approval so that your website is designed exactly how you want it and exactly how you need it.

Social Media Marketing

There is no better marriage in digital marketing than Search Engine Optimization and Social Media. To cover all your bases, a business needs to not only show up when people are looking for their products and services using search engines, but they need to be sure they are engaging with them on social media. We have you covered!
Have you ever heard the saying that “you have to be where your customers are”?
68% of people check Facebook EVERYDAY, so you should take advantage of it. By staying active on your Social Media accounts, you develop your brand and awareness with the people in your local community.

  • Regular Activity
    The key to using social media effectively is consistently giving your followers new, fresh, relevant content they want to share with their friends and family
  • Build a following
    Customers are 2-3 times more likely to use a business they are fans of or follow!
  • Increase Website Traffic
    Get more people to your site by giving them a direct avenue from sites they are already on. You need to be where your customers are!

    Google Adwords / PPC

    Why Do You Need an AdWords Management Company?

    When you need web traffic and customers right now, and you don’t have the luxury of taking the time that an effective SEO campaign requires, PPC advertising is a powerful solution. MyHealthcareSEO Google AdWords consultants can help you:

    • Attract more prospects, grow your online sales, and get your information in front of more people faster
    • Specify who receives your ads, based on everything from demographics to the times of day that they’re most likely to be searching for your products and services
    • Control your ad spend by setting the budgets and other limitations
    • Reach a mobile audience (mobile devices account for 53% of paid search clicks)
    • Get more calls (69% of searchers on a mobile device will call a business straight from the Google search results)

    Most importantly, this is an effective way to get noticed now. Some keyword terms for PPC and SEO are extremely competitive, and some companies have been working exclusively on their SEO for years to secure the top positions for those keywords. However, using our AdWords PPC consultants you can still position yourself above those companies and start maximizing your returns right away.

    Video Marketing

    Make Video SEO a Part of Your Marketing Strategy

    Your best opportunity to rank in a search engine is with an optimized video. According to Forrester Research, it is 53 times easier to rank a video in Google’s search results than it is to rank a webpage, and we can help you take advantage of this great opportunity to get your message in front of a huge, content-hungry audience.

    Why Is YouTube Optimization So Important?

    Consider some of these statisitcs:

    • Google is the world’s largest search engine,
      • 67% of all online searches are through Google
      • 94% of all mobile and tablet searches are through Google
    • The second largest search engine is YouTube, which is owned by none other than Google.
      • More than 91% of the videos that are returned through a Google search come from YouTube.

    Simply put, Google promotes its own product, so when you select a YouTube marketing company, you need one that understands how the search engine giant works.

Text Message Marketing

Patient acquisition is an important part of any healthcare organization’s financial strategy. A strong patient acquisition campaign ensures that the organization brings in enough business to cover its expenses and make its operation profitable. However, with so many organizations vying for the attention of potential patients, boosting patient acquisition can be a challenge. As a result, many healthcare organizations are now choosing to use mass texting services for patient acquisition purposes.

About Mass Texting

Mass texting is a marketing technique that allows you to send healthcare SMS messages to multiple individuals simultaneously. These services can also be used to issue automatic replies to individuals who text specific codes or keywords to your organization. Furthermore, sophisticated healthcare SMS software can be used to send customized messages to subsets of individuals on your contact list.
If your healthcare organization is ready to put mass SMS messaging to good use in order to improve patient acquisition, then contact us today for a FREE consultation.

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