
Trim URLs To Root Domain – Convert Links to Domain Names

http:// www  Trim URL’s to root


We have all seen how short and huge a URL can be. Sometimes, it is really tricky to trim the URLs according to our requirements. And if the quantity of URLs for trim is huge, there is no way we can use the good old manual procedure. In such scenarios of needing to trim URL to root domain, the URL cleaner can come in handy.
Rahul Digital is a reputed name which is known to offer online solutions for better management of the business. Our corporation has been in the same business for many years, coming up with the beneficial solutions to help all website owners. The Rahul Digital URL Cleaner has offered the ease of use to all existing users.
URL cleaner can filter the lists of URLs no matter what the number is. URL Cleaner can help:
1. Removing duplicate URLs
2. Leaving the first URL found from domains
3. Removing all variations of http://
4. Adding http://www
All these benefits can help all professionals and common internet users to trim URLs as per their personal requirements. We believe that it is important to isolate the root domains from a URL group and strip the descriptive portion of a URL. The URL Cleaner that Rahul Digital has to offer can help you with all of it.
Our URL Cleaner to trim URL is completely free and ready to use.
Give it a try!
How to Use the URL Cleaner?
It is very easy to use the URL Cleaner. To trim URL to root domain, follow these steps:
1. Copy the desired URL.
2. Paste it on the URL Cleaner.
3. Choose from www, http:// and Trim URLs to root.
4. Click on ‘Trim URL.’
You will find the result in the result section.
Why is there a need to trim URL?
To save the excess usage of the internet or searching for the appropriate URL, URL Cleaner is helpful. With the help of URL Cleaner, people can neglect the possibility of opening multiple tabs on the internet. Opting to trim URL can also enhance the internet speed which only brings benefit to the

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